Course Proposal Form – Multiple Instructors CPF – Multi-Instructor Course Thank you for offering an Encore Learning course for Fall 2025. The term runs from September 29 to December 12, 2025. Please fill out the form below with all required information. "*" indicates required fields Important Form Instructions 1. To save this form at any time, please select “save & continue later” at the bottom of this form. This will generate a link allowing you to return to the form at a later time to continue working. 2. When you have completed all of your form entries: Scroll to the Workflow at the bottom of the form and check the appropriate box to indicate that you approve the entries and are ready to submit. Click “Save & Continue Later” to move the form on to the next step in the workflow. Section 1: APC Coordinator Contact InfoAPC Coordinator*APC CoordinatorTom AdamsJutta BaumanSusan BornsteinMary K. DavisPeter FrenchCarol FullerJeanne LaBellaCatherine McCormickDoug NeumannEd RaderMarj SignerSteve SpanglerDeborah SperoMike StuttsWendy SwansonAPC Coordinator Phone*APC Coordinator Email* Section 2: Course Coordinator Contact InformationCourse Coordinator*All multi-instructor courses should have a single individual who will be the anchor for the course. This might be the APC member who is developing the course or a nominal instructor who serves as emcee for the course, or an Encore Learning member recruited in advance to serve as class aide. The anchor person needs to assure continuity from one week to the next. This may require confirming speakers several days ahead of each speaker’s scheduled presentation. It also may entail briefing speakers on topics covered and questions entertained by prior speakers for a course. First Last Course Coordinator Phone*Course Coordinator Email* Section 3: Course InformationCourse Title*Enter the name of the course you are proposing. The title should be pithy. The first word of your title should resonate with your course’s subject, e.g., Cinematic Exploration of Aging or Environmental Monitoring. If you would like to include a longer course title, you may include it at the beginning of your course description. We are unable to accept titles which begin with articles (A, An, The), general terms such as Overview or Introduction, and nondistinctive first names.Short Course TitleIf the course title is greater than 36 characters please provide a shortened title (<36 characters) which can be used in materials with limited space, such as course calendars. The short title cannot begin with articles (A, An, The).Course NumberTo be assigned by Encore Learning StaffCourse Category*couse categoryFine Arts, Theater & MusicHealth & WellnessHistoryLaw, Politics & Public AffairsLiterature & WritingScience & TechnologySocial SciencesClass Format*Select how you would like to teach this course.class formatOnly Virtually via ZoomOnly In-PersonHybrid (simultaneously in-person and on Zoom)No preference (at Encore Learning's discretion)Class Recording*Can this course be recorded? Recordings will be available to registered participants within two days of each class session. They will remain available online, for registered participants to view, until February 28, 2026.YesNoUnsureNumber of Sessions*Select the duration of the weekly sessions you plan to teach. Courses can be between 4 and 10 sessions.# sessions45678910Duration of Session*Most classes are 90 minutes in length.duration90 minutes120 minutes180 minutesIndicate your maximum acceptable class enrollment*If no maximum limit, write “no max.”Indicate your acceptable class days and time slots. Indicate your acceptable class days and time slots. You may indicate all slots that work for your schedule.*Classes do not begin before 9:30 am and most are finished by 4 pm. The majority begin at either 10 AM, 12 PM or 2 PM. Monday AM Monday Noon Monday PM Tuesday AM Tuesday Noon Tuesday PM Wednesday AM Wednesday Noon Wednesday PM Thursday AM Thursday Noon Thursday PM Friday AM Friday Noon Friday PM Special scheduling considerationsIndicate any special scheduling considerations (e.g., religious or personal holidays), including dates or date ranges when you do not wish to teach (<300 characters). The Fall 2025 term will run from September 29 to December 12, 2025 and courses will be scheduled to begin throughout the term. Classes will not be held on 10/13, 11/14, 11/11 and 11/26-28.Proposed Overall Course Description*Please enter your course description below, using 2000 characters or less. Please note any proposed field trips in the course description. Use of active voice is preferred. We do not use contractions.Instructor 1 InformationInstructor 1 Name First Last Instructor 1 Email Instructor 1 Mobile PhoneInstructor 1 Home/Alternate PhoneInstructor 1 Lecture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Instructor 1 Lecture TitleInstructor 1 Lecture DescriptionInstructor 1 Supplemental materialsInstructor 1 BiographyInstructor 2 InformationInstructor 2 Name First Last Instructor 2 Email Instructor 2 Mobile PhoneInstructor 2 Home/Alternate PhoneInstructor 2 Lecture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Instructor 2 Lecture TitleInstructor 2 Lecture DescriptionInstructor 2 Supplemental materialsInstructor 2 BiographyInstructor 3 InformationInstructor 3 Name First Last Instructor 3 Email Instructor 3 Mobile PhoneInstructor 3 Home/Alternate PhoneInstructor 3 Lecture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Instructor 3 Lecture TitleInstructor 3 Lecture DescriptionInstructor 3 Supplemental materialsInstructor 3 BiographyInstructor 4 InformationInstructor 4 Name First Last Instructor 4 Email Instructor 4 Mobile PhoneInstructor 4 Home/Alternate PhoneInstructor 4 Lecture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Instructor 4 Lecture TitleInstructor 4 Lecture DescriptionInstructor 4 Supplemental materialsInstructor 4 BiographyInstructor 5 InformationInstructor 5 Name First Last Instructor 5 Email Instructor 5 Mobile PhoneInstructor 5 Home/Alternate PhoneInstructor 5 Lecture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Instructor 5 Lecture TitleInstructor 5 Lecture DescriptionInstructor 5 Supplemental materialsInstructor 5 BiographyInstructor 6 InformationInstructor 6 Name First Last Instructor 6 Email Instructor 6 Mobile PhoneInstructor 6 Home/Alternate PhoneInstructor 6 Lecture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Instructor 6 Lecture TitleInstructor 6 Lecture DescriptionInstructor 6 Supplemental materialsInstructor 6 BiographyAdditional InstructorsFor additional instructors, please include their contact and lecture information below.Workflow Approved by APC Coordinator Approved by APC Co-Chair LaBella Approved by APC Co-Chair Spero Reviewed by EL Staff EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.