Encore Learning Transportation

Mason’s Arlington Campus
3351 Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA
Pay garage under Van Metre Hall  — entrance off of N. Kirkwood Rd.MeteredMetrorail and Metrobus
Fairlington Community Center (FCC)
3308 S Stafford St. Arlington, VA 22206
Free parking lot adjacent to the community centerFree and Zone 11Metrobus
Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads
3440 S Jefferson St, Falls Church, VA 22041
See this document for parking instructionsMetrobus
3003 – Arlington History
First class location TBA*
6031 – Introduction to Birding
Gulf Branch Nature Center                       

3608 Military Rd.
Arlington, VA 22207*
Free limited lot at centerConsider parking on Military or 36th Rd.N.Metrobus
*The locations and directions for subsequent sessions will be provided to students by instructors who’ve registered for these courses.


●  Try using www.google.com/maps to get directions to class. You can select your mode of transportation (walking, public transit or by car) and Google will provide a map, detailed directions, the distance in miles and the transit time.

●  Use www.wmata.com for public transit information, directions, timetables, etc. for Metrorail, Metrobus and ARTbus. A Trip Planner tool is on its home page.

●  Use www.ParkArlington.com for metered parking information and maps.

●  Use https://capitalbikeshare.com/ to locate short-term bike rental stations in the metro area.

●  Check out the Super Senior Taxi program for residents over 70. https://www.arlingtontransit.com/riding-art/how-to-ride/how-to-ride-for-senior-citizens/super-senior-taxi/