John Meltzer
Class Aides Committee Co-Chair
John is a native of Washington, D.C. After graduating from Gonzaga College High School, he attended the College of the Holy Cross, graduated with an A.B. Physics in 1969, and then went on to get a graduate degree at MIT in rocket science. After receiving his 1-Y, he decided to leave the academic world to join the CIA, where he had a lot of fun. Opportunity knocked, and he left for more energetic times at ERDA, which morphed into the Department of Energy. His career adventures included working on the international aspects of the Superconducting Super Collider, and then the Large Hadron Collider. (That experience gave him enough chutzpah to give in 2018 a course at Encore Learning on the Large Hadron Collider.) John retired in 2008 from the Federal government with a Distinguished Career Service award. John enjoys — in addition to his two grandchildren, Encore Learning classes, bridge, bicycling, lap swimming, and golf (sometimes) – nothing more than a really good conversation.